Current sensor is used on measuring charge and discharge current with one shunt by BMS, the sensor must be fastened on the middle of terminals of shunt, then plug into BMS main unit. generally the shunt and BMS should be far away any interfere source such as inverter and charger to avoid of inaccurate current reading caused by interfere.
on program setup interface, setup the maximum charge current and maximum discharge current, when actual charging and discharging current over settings, BMS will cut off charging and/or discharging. press any buttons except STOP button resume charge and discharge after remove the over current protection.
If without the current sensor, BMS show wrong current reading (near 0A), BMS will not enter into sleep mode., short circuit on battery will not be protected, so the sensor must be connected to BMS reliably.
The sensor Wire length is 600mm (23.62 inch), 24AWG.
The sensor is suitable for all Chargery BMS.